
It's been 12 months since Australia voted against a constitutionally enshrined 'voice' to parliament for First Nations Peoples. It was a sad day in a long tragic history of racism, ongoing genocide and intergenerational trauma for the oldest living culture in the world. Many works have been dedicated to the occasion in the last few days. A couple that stand out to me that are worth a read are Amy McGuire's piece and the Clothing the Gaps blog post.

For a white bloke like me, the referendum was just another unsettlingly predictable event on a tragic timeline. For many of Australia's First Nations Peoples it was personal.

Speaking of sad disappointments, John Quiggin has a breakdown of the Albanese Government's 'achievements' or lack there of. It really is a government that has failed to inspire or delivery much at all and as an election draws near, the Coalition are now ahead on two-party preferred for at least one poll. It reminds me of Jon Kudelka's comments on the 9pm edict that Albo was just about as disappointing as expected. Fingers crossed the opposition shoot themselves in the foot a few times between now and the election.

In other new, Tech billionaire Andrew Conru gave over $1 million to a company researching eugenics.

Finally, in a story about the British government finally actually giving some land back, in this case the Chagos Islands to Mauritius. The Chagos Islands are also know as the British Indian Ocean Territory. Which have the country code io. Just like this website. So with the territory being transferred to Mauritus, the country code is retired. This article gives a great history of disappearing country codes and how this blog's domain name make soon disappear!